The Times They Are a-changin’Is the hit song from Bob Dylan that premiered in New York on October 26, 1963. He was living at a time of growing social and political...
Why do Boards bet the Company on a new CEO?It looks like Marissa Mayer will be another high-profile CEO casualty. Mayer was appointed CEO of Yahoo in July 2012, after a 13-year...
High Power Distance Index kills EntrepreneurshipThe “Power Distance Index” (PDI) was a concept introduced by Prof Geert Hofstede to explain the cultural differences in society that...
Cards vs Cash: Big Boys vs the Little GuysBank of America in 1958 launched the BankAmericard in Fresno, California. The small population allowed them to recruit both card holders...
The Silicon Valley model works here . . . but ever so slowly!We were recently asked by MDeC, if there were MSC companies that followed the “Silicon Valley” model. What we found was interesting and...